As of February 2020, mugs for sale.
See information at end of this column.
See information at end of this column.
"Only in..." can have different meanings:
"Only in Vegas," has one; the Only-in-Portland ethos of the cable TV
show Portlandia, another entirely. Only in America was a TV show about taking
pride in things American, while "Only in Boulder" is the motto of
Life in Boulder
includes the Naked Pumpkin Run: flash mobs of people running down streets
wearing real or plastic jack-o'-lanterns on their heads - and nothing else
except running shoes.
The words on ONLY IN MAYNARD products were deliberately
printed so that the right side was noticeably higher than the left. Best guess
is the wording was askew to convey that negative, rueful pride that only in
Maynard could things (town things, school things, people things...) be so humorously
incompetent or fouled up.
The original bumper sticker |
Back in 2005, to counter the prevailing negative impression,
a group of civic-minded citizens approached Jesse Floyd, the then editor of the
Beacon-Villager newspaper, to see if they could take turns writing a
pro-Maynard column featuring the friendly and welcoming nature of this unique
small town. The column lasted only a few months. Only in Maynard.
An echo of that positive intent was conveyed in a 2008 article
in the newspaper that read in part "A clever slogan, coined some few years
ago, continues to describe our singular uniqueness, our melting pot citizenry
and our basic values for the 'good life.' That slogan, ‘Only in Maynard,’ sets
up the town as a special place where very special people do distinctive and
exceptional things. This is especially true in the art of song and music as
developed in our town."
An informal survey of people about town yielded both the
negative and positive connotations, and also a third meaning - the concept of
specialness. Only in Maynard can you see Santa Claus arriving by helicopter for
the Christmas parade. Only in Maynard can you still find a local movie theater.
Only in Maynard are the bars close enough together to have a pub crawl that
might involve actual crawling (or at least walking) rather than driving.
ONLY IN MAYNARD mug. Note TM after the D for trademarked. |
Harking back to the origin, bumper stickers, shirts and mugs have "TM" superscripted above the end of ONLY IN MAYNARD, signifying that an application
had been filed for a trademark. An initial check of the records of the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office found no application was ever filed, the omission
apparently qualifying as one more "Only in Maynard" example. However,
further search found that a state-only trademark had been approved by the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts in September 2003. That one lapsed, but a new Massachusetts
trademark was issued in 2017 to a new holder. As of 2020 there are ONLY IN MAYNARD
bumper stickers, T-shirts and mugs offered for sale at various venues and
events. Profits are channeled to non-profit organizations located in Maynard.
So, after all this debate, what does "Only in
Maynard" really mean today? Whether it is only in this small town are
people so warm, friendly and welcoming, or only here are things so ruefully,
headshakingly messed up, or a comment on the unique nature of life in Maynard, my
own opinion is that in comparison, bumper stickers reading ONLY IN ACTON or
ONLY IN SUDBURY would make no sense whatsoever.
As of February 2020, mugs that are imprinted with ONLY IN
MAYNARD can be purchased from David Mark, Price is $10. All profits go to supporting a
program that plants flowers along the Assabet River Rail Trail. See Also available at The Outdoor Store, Sugar Snap and the Boston Bean House.