the full context of Ken’s talk, he was a non-believer in the futuristic idea
that we would turn over day-to-day operations of our homes – such as paying
bills, turning lights and heat on and off, running security systems, and keeping
inventory of food supplies in the house and creating a shopping list
accordingly (any yet, here we are). Ken also knew that computers were evolving
so rapidly that any purchased home computer would soon become obsolete. (So
true!) In his mind the proper solution was to have video screens, keyboards and
printers in homes and at businesses, all linked electronically to
company-operated computers that would provide the software, software upgrades,
and memory. DEC actually launched the first of what became a series of video
terminals in August 1978 as the VT100 (superseded in time by VT200 and VT300).
The VT series sold millions.
![]() |
Digital Equipment Corporation - VT100 terminal (internet download) |
to desktop computers, over decades, DEC had committed itself to selling mid-size
computers that generated significant profits by customizing software and
providing service. A leap to also making low-priced, low-profit, small
computers that would run software provided by other companies saved IBM, but
stymied Digital. Only after IBM launched personal computers in August 1981, did
DEC decide to enter the fray. It initiated not one, not two, but three separate
PC projects, at separate company facilities, with poor communication amongst
them. DEC’s standard procedure would have been to then decide which was best
and kill the other two. Instead, all three were brought to market – perhaps over-fast
– in 1982: the high-end Professional, the DECmate series (offering only word
processing) and the more general-purpose Rainbow 100.
being DEC, everything was of high quality and ran various versions of DEC’s
software, but by not being open to the flood of software that IBM was allowing
all companies to make to run on its machines, DEC failed to set the standard
and did not follow the standard. Even for something as simple as floppy disks,
DEC used its own proprietary formatting. Disks formatted to the IBM standard
worked on IBM clones, but not DEC’s machines, and vice versa. And as a
consequence of poor internal communications and DEC’s bias toward proprietary
systems, its three microcomputers were also not compatible with each other.
As example of the problems, the Rainbow 100 was priced higher than competing systems targeting the consumer market. DEC did not have a marketing, sales and delivery system that could put its PCs into store or else sell and deliver directly to consumers. PCs did not require the lucrative support and service contracts that followed placement of minicomputers. And finally, as one sales person put it, “Why try to sell 12 Rainbows when you can get the same commission on selling just one VAX?"
couple of years later a proposal emerged from Engineering to start over, but
this time with competitively priced clones of the IBM system, able to run all
the software that was making the IBM PCs so successful for business
applications. Compaq had already jumped into this niche with the Compaq
Deskpro. Dell followed with the Turbo PC, priced at under $800. DEC was already
doing cost-effective mass production of desktop systems as video terminals. All
it would take was to improve on IBM’s construction short-cuts and turn out a
sturdy, fast, high-end clone. Ken Olsen killed the proposal. His attitude had
always been that Digital was a leader, not a follower.
I was a product manager in the Rainbow group, and my wife and several friends were in the Pro group. The Pro was priced too high and doomed by attempts to stuff 20 lbs. of software (RSX-11M+ to start with!) into a 10-lb. machine. The result was late to market and laughably slow performance, and there were no applications for this new environment. The joke was "Which has more applications, the Pro 350 or a bowling ball?"
ReplyDeleteThis failure was not inevitable. An internal project code-named "Mighty Mouse" put RT-11 on the Pro and front-ended it with an easily customizable FMS-11 menu user interface. This took only 8 weeks and was ready while the official software was still in early development. Since RT-11 was optimized for 64KB and smaller low-end systems, it ran like a bat outta hell. There were already several compilers that worked with FMS, and thousands of RT-11 applications. But politics won out, and the Pro was a fiasco.
One more in a long list of might-have-beens at DEC. Digital not alone - the average lifespan of all companies, not just tech companies - has decreased by more than half since the late 20th century.