Trail of Flowers (TOF) exists to plant flowering plants, shrubs and trees along the Assabet River Rail Trail (ARRT). As of 2022, plantings have been in Acton, Maynard and Marlborough. Plan is to add Hudson in 2023. Stow is not yet part of paved ARRT
Trail of Flowers was started in 2018 by David Mark. As of 12/31/22, total income
from grants, donations and sale of ONLY IN MAYNARD coffee mugs has been $9,216
and total expenses $8,088, leaving an end-of-year balance of $1,296 (per ARRT
accounting rather than simple subtraction) in an account maintained by ARRT.
Mug sales income made up $1,811 of the total. Through volunteer efforts, more
than 7,000 daffodil bulbs plus hundreds of other plants have been planted in
three towns.Plant identification signs added fall of 2022
David A. Mark
10 Maple Street
Maynard, MA 01754
Grants and donations to TOF and expense invoices are forwarded to Assabet River Rail Trail Inc. (, a Massachusetts-based, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed for the purpose of promoting the creation of a multi-use recreational rail trail that when completed will pass through the communities of Marlborough, Hudson, Stow, Maynard and Acton. As of 2022, there exists a paved section 3.4 miles in length in Acton and Maynard, and a paved 5.6 mile section in Hudson and Marlborough. As of January 2023 there is no paving or connection in/through Stow because some of the original right-of-way is private property, and because bridges are missing from two crossings of the Assabet River.
ARRT maintains a bank account for TOF and accepts grants, donations and profits from sale of ONLY IN MAYNARD mugs. ARRT reimburses TOF expenses. No one is paid for TOF work. Car mileage for TOF purposes is not submitted as an expense.
Plantings in almost all locations are sited more than six feet from the edges of trail pavement, so as to not interfere with towns’ mowing of borders. The towns’ Department of Public Works are not expected to provide maintenance. Shrubs and trees are sited so that at full-size, will be away from the pavement, and not interfere with any sight-lines at street crossings. See for photos.
2022 Annual Report
The fifth year of operations saw purchase of 1200 daffodil and 100 tulip bulbs,
all planted in Maynard, split between the Marble Farm Historic Site and east
side of Rail Trail north of Summer Street. Maynard volunteers participated.What mature Beauty Bushes will look like
In Acton, near the Sylvia Street access, plantings were two more Royal Purple Smoke Trees and two more Winterberry bushes. In Marlborough, near the trail end, planting of six Beauty Bushes.
Donations & Mug Sale Income: $1,099.00
End of year balance:
$1,296 (per ARRT accounting)
As in previous years,
sale of ONLY IN MAYNARD mugs generates income. Through 2022, 576 mugs purchased
for a total of $2,109.82 and 535 sold. Direct sales are at $10/mug. Sales at various
stores in Maynard are at $10/mug with stores keeping $3/mug, leaving $7/mug to
recoup cost and generate income for TOF. Through 2022, mug income = $1,811.
Other actions:
*Website updated to capture 2022 activities.
*Grass mowed and leaves
raked at Marble Farm site by TOF and ARRT volunteers.
Marble Farm Park:
Maynard’s Cultural Preservation Committee (CPC), the Select Board and the voters at a May 2021
Town Meeting approved a budget of $101,707 submitted by CBA Landscape
Architects LLC, Cambridge, MA, to convert the town-owned Marble Farm site
across Route 27 from Christmas Motors to an official town park/historic site. A
bid was accepted fall of 2022 and work completed: removal of dead trees, brush
piles, a deteriorating brick entranceway and a pump house, plus construction of
a metal fence around the historic house foundation and in 2023, installation of
a bench and a sign. Trail of Flowers volunteers will continue to be responsible
for the flower beds and maintenance (primarily lawn mowing and leaf raking). October 2022 groundbreaking event
Plans for 2023
Plans are to start a
membership organization with annual membership fee, periodic email blasts of events and what’s blooming, and development
of a volunteer cadre for spring, summer and fall planting and maintenance. There
will be a first annual zero kilometer run/walk event. Also an intention to seek
corporate donations in Maynard, plus requests to towns’ garden clubs and
Cultural Councils, and ARRT.ONLY IN MAYNARD mug
Plans are to coordinate with City of Hudson government/DPW and Hudson Garden Club ( to start planting in Hudson, and to continue to expand plantings in Acton, Maynard and Marlborough.
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